Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sydney: Sculptures by the Sea

28 October 2012

Every year, in the middle of Spring - the Southern Hemisphere's Spring, that is - a festival out along the coastal walk between Bondi and Tamarama Beaches draws thousands of Sydney-siders and tourists alike! It is called, Sculptures by the Sea, and it is a very interesting festival. Now, I am no art critic by any means, nor do I know even the slightest about art, but sculpture art is my favorite. My all-time favorites are the big, geometric sculptures made from metal, stone, and wood. Something about the simple clean lines that tend to follow an unwritten set of rules just seems to please me. With that said, I also like abstract sculpture art, as long as it feel natural, not forced, and not overly symbolic, political, or preachy.

My friend Caitlyn (a fellow Michigan Wolverine) and I decided to see what all the fuss was about and spend a few hours one Sunday afternoon weaving our way through the throng of crowds of amateur photographers and tourists with their  DSLR cameras trying to get the most abstract angle of each sculpture in the best light possible. I don't look down on these people, nor can I get frustrated by them, because let's face it, I am one of them!

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