Monday, April 20, 2015

Scotland: Dunrobin Castle

Date: 05 April 2015

Keeping this one short: A few weekends ago, I was up north with some friends, enjoying a relaxing Easter Weekend, totally off the grid, which doesn't take long if you have O2 as a mobile provider! With perfect weather, we decided to head up to Dunrobin Castle on eastern shore of Scotland's Highlands, just outside of Golspie. Though the castle has truly had a sordid past - it was the home of the Duke of Sutherland who played a prominent role in the Highland Clearances - the castle and its gardens are pretty magnificent.

Dunrobin Castle
Dunrobin Castle in Golspie, Scotland
We arrived just on time to catch the falcon display, which is an hour-long show run by the resident falconer. The falconer works with and trains numerous birds of prey (hawks, owls, and falcons) that came to the castle after being found injured, and they live there, putting on educational shows for families. The falconer was great and kept moving around the gardens, and right on his cue whichever bird he was working with would swoop down over the crowd (or through it in the case of the owl!), showing off their amazing abilities.

We stopped in the castle for lunch and a tour of the huge building, hoping to see one of its resident ghosts or find a secret passage, but found none. After a quick photoshoot on the back patio, overlooking the gardens and the North Sea, we worked our way back to Golspie for a lazy and quick walk along the beach with stunning views over to the Cairngorms in the distance. No better way to spend a day over Easter weekend!


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This work by Eric W. Portenga is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.